You have been given life – dedicate it to the one who gave it to you. This will signify not only your gratitude to your benefactor but also your self–sacrifice by offering your services to Him in return. Of all the spiritual qualities that the human soul possesses, the highest is the spirit of sacrifice. To give of one is benevolence, but to give of one’s all, is divine. This is the shortest path to achieving immortality. Your services are the best sacrifice you can offer and it is not God who needs this gift from you, but His creation – humanity. We have not only been given a life , providence has also been generous to us by giving us the means to live well – our education and upbringing, our society and standing, our home and nationality, and above all our opportunities in life. We need to recognize these as special bounties given to us and express our gratitude by returning a part of these bounties to helping those who have not been so favored. Realizing this will evoke universal consciousness in us and aid us in becoming committed helpers of all of humanity. The vast poor, hungry and starving populations of the world will become our personal concern and not that of the government, or organizations or charities. The fact is, very few will stand up for this way of thinking and show active humanitarian concern. This is the reason why the world is in this state, today. Living in a caring and sharing way, provides true meaning to our lives. This does not mean our giving to others at the expense of our own needs; it simply means diverting our surpluses after meeting our own present and future (savings) requirements, towards the welfare of the needy. Is living a wealthy life better or living a blessed one? Further, this does not mean giving money alone; working the field of public welfare can make us better contributors to our cause. And we should not consider our giving as charity but as family support – to our wider family, the human brotherhood. We can adopt this paradigm for living anytime in our life and chance our life’s direction. We will then begin serving ourselves, our people and our Maker, all together. Can one live a more purposeful life?

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